St.Thomas US Virgin Islands

First thing this morning, we had to sign in to America, it’s a joke, we have our Esta, our passport has been checked, we were checked before we boarded the ship, and now we have been done again, still we were lucky as we went quite early, and got sorted, we have our stamp in our passport, so we can go everywhere now, in theory.

We had breakfast, then

20151118-144208.jpg took pictures of bay. Today we are going sailing, I am really looking forward to that.

Found the bus, which took us to the Marina, it seemed like the middle of nowhere, anyway, we boarded Adventurous, a catamaran, and we headed over to St.Johns, we motored over, as guess what the wind was on the nose! The crew are very young and easy going, so it was good fun, picked up a buoy, and we all went snorkelling, I loved it. I have been in better bays, and seen a lot more, but I swam with a load of angel fish, saw a yellow tuna, stingrays, and some saw turtles, but I missed them.

20151118-144732.jpg. Back on board we had a bite to eat. And some more rum punches, we could have had champagne if we wanted.

20151118-144906.jpg Geoff was propping up the bar, talking with the staff, who were putting extra rum in his drink, I was happy as they were.

20151118-145025.jpg. We headed back and this time we had the sails up, and no engine, very good.

Back in the marina, we got back on bus, and headed back to Boat. Despite having our boat cards with red stickers, which indicate we have clearance, we had to show ID again, hey ho, suppose it’s for our own good.
We changed, had a quick cuppa, then headed off the ship again, to get emails etc., after tonight we are back at sea for two days, before we reach Florida.


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