Another Fine Day

Wednesday 18th September 2024

No rush this morning as we are staying local so decided to test out our recently repaired shower tray.  This site does not have a toilet or shower block so we showered in Rosie; not the most roomy of showers but adequate.

This morning we are heading to Godrevy where we understand this is where seals congregate on the rocks below the Cliff with their own “private” cove.

There are seals down there somewhere!

It was  another warm, sunny morning and our route went along the Cornish coastal lanes where every now and again we dropped down to a small cove, all busy with the last few visitors of the season and surfers of course.

I love this rugged coastline

National Trust own all this area where a number of car parks had been cut out of the heather and to our dismay nearly everyone was full; where are all these people coming from?   Having a small car is useful around these lanes and it also paid off in the car park; we managed to find one small slot by the entrance, result, mind you had we gone a bit farther we came across loads of parking!!!      We followed the crowd who led us to the cliff top overlooking the cove and rocks where the seals “hang out” though it was low tide and they were all spread about.   I have no doubt at high tide the few exposed rocks would be teaming with them, just unfortunate our few days didn’t match the tides!!!

Difficult to make the seals out, but they were there!

It was lovely and warm day without a cloud in the sky and everywhere you can see are paths cross-crossing the heather so we followed one around the headland passing the Godrevy lighthouse situated on a small island off the coast.  

The walking in the sunshine was good but not so for the dogs, they had to be on their lead so we decided to drive further away from all this activity.  A couple of miles along the cliff, also National trust owned land we parked and the dogs had total freedom though this was limited as neither of them liked walking on the heather!!!, so back in the car and we headed to St. Agnes.

Overlooking the seals

Whilst passing through St. Agnes a couple of years ago, we stopped at a rather “olde-worlde” boutique type cafe and enjoyed the food and atmosphere, so headed straight there.   Arriving around lunchtime we asked for a bacon bap, sorry run out of bacon so chose again.  We also noted the cake display cabinet was very bare and the place didn’t quite feel the same. Also the owner closed the cafe early, her reason was, she was too busy and needed time to get straight,What??  We then overheard she had sold the business and completion was imminent so naturally that was the reason for poor choices, she was “demob happy”.

Coastguard pointing things out to Geoff

We now headed down to the beach but it was impossible to park anywhere around so headed up to St. Agnes Head for a walk and take in the view a the bonus, we parked in an empty carpark so the dogs were away!!!    Up here there was also a coastguard lookout station so we went to have a look.   The coastguard chap on duty must have been bored as he welcomed us in and we chatted for about 10-minutes or so.  What I hadn’t realised is that all coastguard folk manning these lookouts around the country are all volunteers; you learn something every day.

Up and down hills, good walking area

With the dogs exhausted we headed back to “base camp” and being such a glorious evening, bar-b-q was the order of the day, again!!!

The views from the top are stunning!
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