Thursday 5th October
Another good night and being Thursday, it’s Crib day at Jim and Hazel’s, we always enjoy these days, but not ‘till 1000hrs so time for, yes you’ve guessed it, “wear the buggers out,” though no doubt they will find their way into the swimming pool, again!!!

Along with our fellow players, we all arrived and started playing and it wasn’t long before there was a “splosh” as two dogs were swimming after a ball!!! There were 6-dogs here today but only our two were water dogs, the others looked-on in amazement.

After crib Christine and I had been invited to stop-on for a swim and lunch; my the swim was most welcome, far nicer than the sea as far as I’m concerned, though Christine prefers the sea!!! Naturally it wasn’t just the four of us enjoying the pool, no, there were three dogs in with us; Roxy is not into water so hides away from the pool. Our swim was followed by a nice lunch, probably ate too much as we are out to dinner tonight as well!!!! Tomorrow is weigh-day and the weight read-out won’t be a “pretty sight”, of that we have no doubt 😡😡😡

Refreshed and with full stomachs left to get ready to visit Sue and Frank for “cocktails” before heading to a new restaurant in Campoverde.
The one thing I “do” miss about living here are the evenings, the ability to sit out whilst the sun goes down and stay out without having to “fetch” a coat. Tonight is one of those evenings; cocktails by the pool in the late afternoon sun followed by an excellent dinner at the new, well new to us, place called “Ameli bar and restaurant”; we had heard good reports but until “you” try it, you don’t really know: All I can say is “they were right”, 3 of us enjoyed fillet steaks and they were cooked to perfection and melted in the mouth.

We started early as Frank now likes to be tucked up in bed around 2100hrs but not tonight; tonight we were having fun and his bed-time came and went without notice!!!! Whilst there we also bumped into Penny and Keith so agreed to meet for coffee on Saturday.

Tonight we were parked back outside the dog park so Christine headed off with TT & R, their last walk of the day, whilst Sue went for the car then gave me a lift until we caught up with Christine. Being late by now, I joined her for last part.
We had a very good night with Sue and Frank, thank you and until the next time, au revoir