Sunday 25th February 2024
This morning we have arranged to meet up with Frank and Sue for coffee at the El Cafe Africa place, but upon arrival and as we had the dogs had to sit outside but unfortunately it is not a large area and there were many smokers so decided to move on, and headed up to the new Panaderia instead. Having learned our lesson from earlier in the week, we only ordered a double bacon bap, couldn’t face another “huge” baguette!!!
After a very sociable morning; not so warm today but dry😃😃 we headed home and prepared for Jim and Hazel who were coming round for dinner: Also this afternoon France are at home to Italy in the last of this weekend’s 6-nations but unfortunately the KO is 1600hrs, the same time as Jim and Hazel are arriving still, most probably France will wipe the floor with Italy so no great loss to miss it.

At the appointed hour our guests arrived loaded with oranges from their “prolific” orange trees; wonderful, and many thanks, they will be thoroughly enjoyed. Now we sat down and enjoyed pre-dinner drinks on the patio in the sun, though there was some wind so coats were the order of the day.

During one of my trips to the “bar” for re-fills, and nearing FT, out of interest I quickly looked up the score and shock, horror, Italy were drawing 13 – 13, can they will win????maybe………., yes………, as the French gave away a penalty just as the clock went into the red. With the French crowd stunned and the Italians chewing their finger nails, the kicker placed the ball on the tee and walked back but as he turned around, the ball fell off the tee. He now had to replace it as the clock relentlessly ticked on; his time for this kick was running down, he had to get a move on and therefore rushed the process and took the kick; the ball hit the post, no extra 3-points so it was a draw, 13 each. Chatting to some like minded people, I had missed a really good game, French failed and Italy raised their game; I must find time to watch it on catch-up.
We had a good evening together, just like old times eating, drinking and playing crib before they headed off quite late.