Monday 4th March 2024
After receiving confirmation that my glasses were in, we were on the road again and the bonus is:- I can collect my bottle of Grey Goose😂😂. We spoke to Marcos to see if he would be able to unlock the house for a couple of minutes to collect to which he was kind enough to agree, yeah!!!
As I walked into Sonia’s she had the glasses in her hand and after much apologising fitted them. We did have a laugh about the factory and their issues!!! I paid and walked out into the bright sun and how nice it was to have my reactolite’s back.

Whilst I was collecting my new glasses, Christine headed to the vets and sorted out the passports etc., in preparation for our return to U.K.
We also took the opportunity to pop into Hazel’s for coffee, Jim was out on the golf course naturally!! Whilst there, Hazel gave us another big bag of oranges, thank you very much Hazel, they are superb oranges.
A quick bacon bap snack at Portobello’s and then headed straight back to Alcalali having achieved everything we needed to do, and more, win-win.
Arrived back in time for dinner followed by a film.