Thursday 16th June
The crossing was so smooth it was hard to know we were heading across the channel. After a good nights kip we had breakfast in our cabin, two hot cross buns and a tub of prepared fruits, bought yesterday from Asda.
Passport control in France was straight forward and customs ignored us so picked up our route and was away, heading to Sandy and Wendy’s, friends of mine for the past 30-years or so. They live just outside Melrand, a small village in the department of Morbihan; Brittany. Our journey-time will be a little under 4-hours so no time to waste and no toll roads!!!

We arrived in time to witness Sandy sitting on his lawn tractor cutting the verges outside his “estate” and immediately he used this excuse to drive it back to the house; job done!!!
Due to Covid lockdown etc., it has been a few years since we met up so there was a lot to chat about; in fact we barely had time for lunch though carried on until we released there were another 4-guests arriving for dinner. The fact is we forgot all about time and they arrived!!!, oh well dinner may be slightly late!!!!
After a delightful “al-fresco” meal and a stimulating conversation, their other guests departed, and after clearing up etc., we hit the sac.
Friday 17th June
We woke to another glorious day and mid morning headed down to the boatyard to meet up with Jules, their son, who was putting the finishing touches to his 41-ft sailboat; my juices started and I got the “urge” to be on the water in our own boat again; Christine soon put me right!!!

We then headed to a little little seaside place for a snack and beer etc. The fascinating thing about this small place is it’s history, so much including the HQ of the “French East India Company”, and to think when we were at school we only really knew about the “British East India Company”!!!!! And there’s plenty more:,_Morbihan.

The run back was uneventful but a little Friday PM traffic followed by another evening of chat, chat,chat and a stroll through his woods whereupon we came across his old Land Rover; a project in waiting me thinks!!!!

Saturday 18th June
Today unfortunately our flying visit came to an end😢😢, still there is always a hope they can visit us in Spain, subject to selling of course.
After our goodbyes we were away about mid-morning heading to Orleans, a four and a half drive away, intending to arrive just in time for a cuppa………………………….