Friday 1st March 2024
The plan for today is a “do nothing” day, however the three of us did go out, Martin wanted to introduce us to a restaurant that has recently opened, the plan was for a coffee, scan the menus, lunch and dinner, and decide which we fancied. Unfortunately we got hooked into their tapas with wine naturally, so our quick coffee turned into a bit of an extended lunch, but it was very nice. With the sun shining and blue sky everywhere, we sat outside in very amenable surroundings watching a gardener going about his duties enjoying the ambience and getting “stuck-in” to everything.

I also heard from Sonia this morning; bad news, my new lenses had failed their quality inspection and a new re-manufactured ones wouldn’t be available ‘til, after we’d left for France so at this point I cancelled them.

Martins Villa is up a dead end road and no other buildings past his, it is ideal for using the ball thrower to wear out the dogs, an by-Jove we did, several times!! The rest of the day was set aside to sit on the upstairs terrace and take in the sun, yes we sunbathed it was so hot up here. Sundowners were also served on the terrace prior do dinner inside. Though it is nice and warm when the sun is out in the day, it soon gets cold once it goes down in the late afternoon🥶🥶.

Late this afternoon I also got another message from Sonia saying there had been a “cock-up” and the lenses that failed their quality test belong to someone else!!!!! Mine will be in on Monday and this will be confirmed first thing Monday🤞🤞🤞The cynic in me wonders if the cancellation had anything to do with it🤔🤔🤔