Sunday 18th September
After a “comfortable” and “enjoyable” nights sleep on anchor, we were ready to face the world so at a reasonable time we hoisted the anchor and set off. Our plan was to head north making for the “National park”, an area of special sea grasses with the accompanying sea life below the water but first we have to get there. Again we were on engine due to lack of wind, let’s hope we have wind tomorrow when we head to Frejus.

The scenery was much like yesterday, though by early afternoon it became more dramatic, and more colourful, the cliffs were steeper and there were many caves dotted about. As we approached the “Regional National Park of Corsica”, a world heritage site, we started to “hover”, looking to anchor, when the skipper became aware of a speedboat fast approaching with a warden telling us “You Can’t Stop There”. We moved on as the speedboat left, but once out of site we stopped anyway, obviously it was OK here as we didn’t see the warden again.

Bathing platform lowered and we were in the sea; today it seemed much warmer so stayed in longer. Christine did a little snorkelling but her equipment wasn’t quite right so soon stopped. Today the boys went off to explore some of the caves that were about in this bay. Sitting on board gazing up onto the cliffs we were amazed to see a green film covering on the rugged rocks, it looked like moss or something similar, perhaps this is what causes the sea grass to grow so vigorously and attract so much marine life, hence the “National Park”. Once all-aboard we headed of, our destination was “Marine de Porto”, a couple of miles further along the coast.

Naturally we couldn’t get into the harbour so anchored away from the entrance. Tonight we’re heading out to eat. Christine, Louis and myself were the first boatload and the first thing that struck us were the numerous ribs, small passenger boats and even a semi-submarine moored out in lines across the harbour. This place has been built up with the tourists visiting all the wonders of the area, everywhere you look there are restaurants and “booths” selling excursions, and oh yes, one small convenience small supermarket. There was also a hotel on the quayside with a rather nice looking restaurant and a decent fish menu, so the three of us settled for that. The rest of the crew also came ashore but had somewhere else in mind to go. Andrew stayed on board with Elton who had already eaten.

We had an excellent meal with copious amounts of locally produced superb wines, and completed with a few Jack Daniels; we were ready to be collected. On our way back we were surprised how many other boats were now anchored in this “Gulf of Porto”, obviously a regular anchorage.

Back on board, Louis and I had a few more nightcaps and the crew joined us and some “sea-yarns” were exchanged before heading to bed: tomorrow we head to Frejus, 100 miles away, we just hope the weather forecast is right and we will have wind!!!!!