Up early again, as we have arranged with Herbert to take us to the garage again, this time we used tom tom, and ended up at completely the wrong place, apparently there are two roads with the same name and post code! Eventually we got to the garage, to find that Rosie had been striped down already, and was waiting for new parts, the problem was very simple, apparently a snake had crawled into the engine department and made itself at home, when we had tried to start it,’ hissing Sid’ had wound itself around a pulley, breaking some belts, and messing up the pulley! Now that is a first for us, and I expect many others, but for the garage, they had had another one the previous week, which had been even bigger.
Anyway progress was being made, so we left there, and treated Herbert and Liz to a meal at the Wok, which was lovely, accept Liz and I would prefer to be waited on, instead of having to help yourself.
Tuesday was hospital day, I had my bone density test in the morning, and Geoff saw the Consultant in the afternoon. Geoff has to go back in six months, when they are going to do a scan, and blood tests which is good news, I have to go to the Doctors for results next week.
Wednesday we finally got Rosie back, everything is coming together again, we decided to go to the Air conditioning place on way back, where they told us the unit was not worth repairing, so we have had a new one fitted. We then eventually managed to get Sooty and Bella out of the kennels, and took them to Boules with us, they were so excited, they would not settle down, we then went for tapas afterwards.
You just couldn’t make it up, could you!! Pleased you are all back together again. Presumably Geoff has taken up Taxidermy and there is now a display item in the van
Not sure about the stuffing, but the air has certainly been blue here. Everything is good now, and we are back enjoying ourselves xx