27th December (contd)
Leaving Chapel Brampton feeling guilty and still miffed how Christine had caught it, though unknowingly, it “could” be me but I haven’t any symptoms; anyway we’ll get the results tomorrow and then we will know for sure.
We headed to the Peak District; we were originally staying in one of Marian and Martin’s holiday cottages for a couple of nights on our way to Scotland but now, if one or both of us is positive, Marian has said we can stay and isolate. Being the optimist I felt it was more flu than covid with Christine but who am I??? Until we know the result we will have to by-pass Marian and Martin’s house as they are also isolating following their positive results.

The rest of the day was spent in a very comfortable cottage watching a films, after all it was raining!!!
28th December
We woke early and full of anticipation and in my view, expectation of two negative results. Wrong; we looked at Christine’s result; “positive” 👹. My turn next; “Negative” 🤔, how does that work as we have been everywhere together, except play-school to collect Elton which was outside and was only a couple of minutes, so I took another lateral flow rest, “negative” again🤔 Anyway that’s it. Now we have to cancel the hotel in Moffat on the way to Stonfield Castle where we are booked in for their Hogmanay break. We will also need to move the ferry booking forward by several days. What a shame, the trip to Scotland was the swan-song of our trip to U.K. and really looking forward for it; have to re-book for next year if we get our money back!!!!!

Trying to get through to anybody during this holiday period was virtually impossible, so sent out e mails to start the process. Being negative I did “pop”out as we needed shopping, living in the middle of nowhere during the Christmas holidays, we wouldn’t get any deliveries!!!
Martin, though positive doesn’t have too many symptoms so elected to cook a curry tonight for the the four of us: when ready, ours was delivered, “carefully”!, by Russell.
Christine was pretty poorly all day so took things very easy, again watching TV and dozing on the settee, but enjoyed her curry; that’s a good sign.
29th December
Nothing to rush up for this morning and as Christine didn’t have the best of nights, I wasn’t rushing either. But once up I did a further lateral flow rest, again negative. On the face of it having a negative test sounds good but the downside will be, if I catch it tomorrow or the next day our ferry booking will be wrong again!!!!

Christine managed to find a new ferry date on the 11th but as yet not confirmed, watch this space. I was struggling to contact Expedia for our Moffat night refund and though we had emailed Stonefield, we hadn’t received a reply.
The rest of the day was much the same as yesterday, boring and raining, followed by bed with TV in between.
30th December
Another bad night for poor Christine, breathing was the issue but here we are, “morning”, another day of isolation behind us. We have decided we need a purpose so I am chasing Expedia and Christine is chasing the ferry people. I will also ring Stonehill Castle; but first my lateral flow test; oh dear “negative” now I am getting a little concerned as it’s been 3-4 days since Christine was positive and there won’t be sufficient days for me to isolate without changing the ferry for a second time.

Trying to get hold of anybody at Expedia was like finding the proverbial “needle in a haystack”, I couldn’t find a ‘phone number or an email address anywhere so rang the Moffat hotel and after a couple of calls they found me a ‘phone number. It turned out this number was for financial arrangements between Expedia and the hotels, but after some “persuading”, the chap on the other end “reluctantly” agreed to put me through to customer services. It turned out to be a call to the USA, but hey, I was on the right track so far! After quoting my booking reference I was told we hadn’t paid for free cancellation and therefore would be charged. I suggested they re-think as I was following Government guidelines therefore had no choice, alternatively I could have ignored the guidelines and gone, what did he think? We got our re-fund!!!!
The call to Stonehill wasn’t so good, we were told they would have to refer it to their head office who are closed ‘till after the holiday😖😖😖.
To wile away some extra time, we played a few hands of crib, watching too much TV isn’t our scene.

During the evening Christine had a “ping” and upon checking her ‘phone, received confirmation of our booking with a cabin on the Santander ferry on the 11th; wonderful😅😅😅.
31st December
New Year’s Eve and stuck in isolation, but worse, no “bubbly” only a bottle of red to see the new year in. We’ve been together for circa 17-years, and this is the first one we’ve not been able to celebrate in style🥵🥵, hopefully next year we can make up for it and do a proper job🥳🥳🥳. We’ve heard from Dave and Leisha from the castle who tell us it is a beautiful place, just what we wanted to hear!!! Anyway Christine is preparing a sumptuous dinner with the little bit of food we have left, I have no doubt it will be excellent

More crib, a little TV followed by dinner and a James Bond film before watching the “bongs” on BBC followed by the firework display on the Thames from Greenwich.