Thursday 29th February 2024
Leap year day today but nothing has changed!!!!! This afternoon we head back to Alcalali to stay at Martins again, but first we have a another mission to fulfil; Crib day again, can’t get enough of it!!!

Having done all the tidying up last night all that was left was finish off packing and re-make the beds etc., and head off, we will get some breakfast during the crib games. My first “port-of-call” was Sonia’s, the optician’s in the village to collect the new pair of glasses I’d ordered. Unfortunately they hadn’t arrived. I knew when I ordered them it would be “nick ‘n tuck” they would arrive by today but had to take that chance. The factory had said Monday, “definitely”, so that was that, I headed over the road to Lucia’s for crib.
Another good morning indulging in something we both enjoy when back in Campoverde, and we both came out ahead🤠🤠🤠€. Now back to Calle Acebo to hand back the keys to Marcus.

Before heading off we went down to Pilar de La Horadada to have a Chinese Menu del Dia, always good value and tasty not to mention over the years it has become a sort of tradition when travelling, it was en-route to Murcia Airport. Unfortunately this restaurant won’t let dogs in so had to sit outside, that wasn’t a problem but their outside is in complete shade, no sun whatsoever so it was fairly cold.
The run back to Alcalali was uneventful other than I realised I’d left my “treat to myself”, a bottle of Grey Goose ugh👹🥵👹🥵 but we were too far down the road to return. No doubt the next person to open the fridge will enjoy it. We got back in good time to get sorted before Martin arrived from U.K., and as promised, handed him a “welcome back” Soberano as he walked in the doors. It’s good to be back👍👍👍