Up early Friday morning! as we are off to extend my visa, couldn’t do it the easy way, so a trip to Oman is called for. Jane kindly dropped us at airport at 7am, and we joined the queue, we finally checked in, and went through passport control, the plane was three quarters of an hour leaving, so for a one hour flight, that is bad. We finally arrived at airport, we then had to queue to buy visa, then another queue for customs, we finally got out of airport by 12.
Got a taxi to the hotel, which is ok, lovely 6′ bed, so we are both happy with that, unpacked, and decided to go to Old Muscat, wherever you go a taxi is needed, not quite what the website says, but doesn’t matter.
This area is where all the government buildings are, and the Sultans Palace, it is a lovely area, unfortunately as it was Friday everything was closed! but we had a good wander around! then found a place for lunch! very friendly and very reasonable.
Another taxi took us to the port, where we could see the Sultans Yacht, it is huge, we meandered along, it is very pleasant here, with various boats in the harbour, from Dhows to container
ships, I was surprised to see so many gay lads around openly holding hands, as we had been told not to show any affection towards each other!
At 4pm the souk opened, so we wandered around there! watching them trying to sell there perfumes! incense and head scarves etc?! I saw some lovely boxes! hand made! but along with the carpets it is a big NO this time, maybe next year.
We went upstairs to a local cafe, and had another mint/lemon drink, very refreshing, Geoff got the recipe, so it will be a lovely drink by the pool next year! with optional extras of course! Alcohol is not that easy to find out here.
Back to the Hotel, a lovely shower, then to the Indian Restaurant, we had read on the website it was good, and it certainly lived up to its reputation. The service and the choices were amazing, I asked for a Bhuna as not on menu, and he made me one, nothing like the English version! but very tasty.
What a lovely day, tired and full we fell into bed.