Wednesday 29th January 2025
We are back on track weather-wise, sunny and warm first thing so decided on another picnic and head to Hawksbill beach, not too far, 7-miles but again 30 minutes!!!

So normal morning routine, breakfast, a few chores, make the picnic and away. Down into St. John’s and out along the bay; only one cruise ship in but what a “big’n”, probably a 6,000 passenger one. We tried to visualise what it would do to St. John’s if they all decided to get off at once, that number represents about 6% of the Antiguan population!!!! Also in the bay again was the three masted cruise sailing ship, “Sea Cloud Spirit”, a German registered vessel offering “very” expensive cruises; well above our pay-grades!!!

I couldn’t remember Hawksbill beach but as soon as we dropped down the hill onto it, memories came flooding back. We did moor off this beach whilst on the catamaran but due to the “nasty” weather, didn’t stay long. The reason for this name is the rock just outside the bay, it looks like a Hawksbill Turtle, a species that are critically endangered. I think it looks more like a rat whilst Christine thinks more “ mouse”: still the sandy beach is good. Like all good beaches here in Antigua, at the other end is the affordable all-inclusive “Hawksbill Resort” mainly chalets facing the sea, very nice.

The car park is on the edge of the beach so we left everything in the boot and headed straight into the sea where Christine tried to do some snorkelling, she saw several fishes but nothing exciting but best so far!! There are no vendors or beach loungers for hire here, bring your own; unfortunately we don’t have any and the cottage we are staying at has very limited resources, and that’s putting it mildly!!!

Lunch time so back to the car and got the cool box (the one thing the cottage has!!) and sat at a picnic table overlooking the sea. It was really nice, the sky was clear, the sun was hot and we had the beach “nearly” to ourselves, this is Antigua at its best.

After lunch, oh dear back in the sea. 😂😂. We were in for ages before heading on our customary walk along the beach, passing all the chalets, perhaps we should investigate one of these next time; a change from Friers Hill Cottage?

Eventually we “tore” ourselves away from the beach and headed back, but en-route and for “old time’s sake”, took a little detour to see Galley Bay Resort, the infamous place we caused a slight disruption years ago.😂😂

Back in 2006 I was heading to meet Christine on “Whitbread” (Andrew’s boat at that time) that was moored in Galley Bay but unfortunately the beach can only be accessed from the sea or, through the hotel; I didn’t know this at the time. My “instructions” were clear, to meet up with “Jersey” Jane at the airport, who I hadn’t met before, then get the taxi to swing-by a supermarket and get provisions for 7/8 people for a few days sailing. Mission accomplished and we arrived at the hotel, not knowing the only way to the beach was through the foyer passing reception, down a long corridor, passing numerous public rooms and eventually to the beach. After a discussion with the taxi driver who wanted more money that had been agreed at the airport, I loaded up one of the “American Style” trolleys, but instead of suits hinging up, there were a great number of supermarket bags full of food and off I went, poor Jane not knowing what was happening as we were accosted by several members of staff trying to stop us. At this time Christine and the “gang” were heading up from the beach causing a pincer movement which sent the hotel staff into a “spin, even the manager was in the “fray”, but my head was down and I still kept going in-spite of everything. The two teams met up in the long corridor from the beach just as Christine was accosted by the manager but the “bullshit” Christine gave him didn’t “cut-the-ice” but it gave me those extra seconds to breakout onto the beach and now there was nothing they could do!!! After a few pleasantries everybody retreated to the beach leaving the hotel staff and manager dazed!!! Later that day, Jane apparently asked Christine what was she doing with me???

After a good chuckle reminiscing, we carried on along this narrow road that suddenly became a big, very steep hill; it felt as if we were on the climb of a rather big dipper with Christine telling me to “stop” but as I pointed out there was nowhere to turn!!! We carried on and eventually broke out into a car park at the top of a big hill known as “table hill five islands” and what a view of the surrounding beaches and bays including St. John’s and Deep bay, well worth the anxiety, though Christine didn’t agree with me. The way down was the same route but this time as we went over the crest of the hill, it was like the first drop on a very bog dipper; poor Christine, I did put her through it!!!

Back at home for the usual showers and dinner, again followed by cribbage and I am pleased to report my extremely unfortunate run of poor cards has changed and we enjoyed five very close games. We never knew one could get so tired doing nothing so another early night