Thursday 6th July 2023
Tomorrow we head to Penzance for a long weekend but first we headed to Jane’s as we are leaving the dogs and I needed to fit some plastic garden trellis stuff onto their garden gate to secure these two “hooligans” and keep them safe in one of their garden areas; mission accomplished.
After a very early dinner or late lunch, not sure which we decided it was, however it was 1600hrs as tonight it is Mia’s show and as Jane and Mia headed to the theatre, we went and Visited Dave in Weston S Mare Hospital; much easier than trekking to Bristol!!!l

We arrived at the McMillan Theatre Bridgwater in time for a drink before heading to our seats for the evening performance. The production Mia is in is a modified version of “Les Miserables” for children. Tonight Mia is part of the crowd, but we would have preferred to be here tomorrow when she does her “solo” song playing Cosette as a child, but alas there was a “cock-up” with dates, so will miss her big moment🥵🥵.
I went so see this production several years ago in the “west-end” and I have to say it was not my cup-of-tea, and nearly gave up in the interview. The prospect of seeing it again didn’t impress me, still duty called and being a modified version, probably shorter; wrong on that score, two and a half hours but at least we had excellent seats at the back of the auditorium set aside for “less mobile people”, my gammy knee comes in useful sometimes!!!

Whatever my thoughts about the story, the production was excellent, this amateur production looked very professional and the cast were spot on, obviously there was a lot of hard work in rehearsals to get to this high standard, well done to one and all.
Back at Hope farm we waited for a triumphant Mia to return, and when she arrived she was buzzing and on such a high, bed was the last thing on her mind, but school tomorrow🤔🤔.