Today England kick off their championship hopes with a trip to the Aviva Stadium in Dublin, though the “press” and the “Pundits” don’t hold out much hope against this very good Irish team, as they chase their 3rd championship in a row. However there is a lot of optimism in the England squad and everybody likes an “upset”🤞🤞
Firstly I managed to get the Scotland V Italy game on my iPad thanks to Martin sorting out a VPN for me and watched the first half whilst enjoying a suitable breakfast knowing a few beers would be consumed later; a bacon and egg roll, yummy. A good result for Scotland as they beat Italy, 31 : 19 at Murryfield
Busier today
Antigua being 4-hrs behind U.K. time, the games are really early in the day so headed off to Cloggy’s for 1245-kick-off and though we got there well before KO, the place was busy. After surveying the situation we formed a plan, then executed it with precision and ended up with two high-backed stools and table space on both sides, though the tv was not “quite” straight ahead, close enough to see.
Oh dear a boozy afternoon
We skipped the wine and got a bucket of Caribs to drink during the match. By the time kick-off came, you could hardly put a pin between everybody, glad we had a bucket of bottles!!!!
The whistle went and England gave it their all, even surprising the Irish players and soon scored a try with the extras, 7-points on the board. Ireland then scored but disallowed as there was a foul; England let off the hook, phew. By half-time Ireland had scored and we had gone to 10-points, dare we dream of an upset??? The Irish chap by us was worried and went out at half-time as he said his nerves were shot!!!
Second half, and re-enforcement Caribs were dropped into the bucket, at the same time as Ireland put their “foot down” and showed England the way to win. The final result 27 : 22 flattered England. I see the vultures hovering for Borthwick’s blood, and noting he has lost more games than he has won, I’m not surprised!!! Well played Ireland and good luck with making it three in a row.
Pidgeon beach
Deflated by the result, we headed to Pigeon beach for a swim before heading back to base, me thinks Rum is called for.
Apart from the not “unexpected” result, we had a good time, there is always a lot of banter at cloggy’s on match day; we will be back next Saturday for England V France, before heading to the airport
Today is the first day of the 2025 Guinness 6-Nations, and Wales are away to France so our first mission is to find Cloggys, then secure seats to watch. As I said earlier, we have had conflicting stories and when I eventually found their telephone number, I was none the wiser!!!
With Kick-off being around 1600hrs local time, and not sure where to go but knowing it will be a 3/4hr journey, Christine cooked “another” full English to set us up for the day. The other unknown is how busy it will be, the old Cloggys was always heaving on match day.
After clearing up we headed to Rhodes Lane, Falmouth Harbour, leaving plenty of time as where this place is, is anybody’s guess!! Also being Friday evening, rush hour could well be early and extend the time it takes to get to Falmouth Harbour.
All our fears and woes were unfounded as we arrived rather quicker than expected!! Cloggys is situated on a jetty jutting out into Falmouth Harbour at Catamaran Marina but parking was limited, but we found a sort of “space” right outside. We had the pick of the seating as we were so early for kick-off, an hour and a three quarters to be precise!! Christine had already said she didn’t fancy drinking all afternoon; that worked well!!!
We found it!
The new Cloggys is nice, open on three sides looking out past the boats on the quay and into the harbour, so sitting in prime position, in front of a large tv with a bottle of Chardonnay was “purrrrrfect”. Slowly folk arrived when I got the message I had to move my car, apparently I was blocking the “Boss” of the whole complex parking in his prime position. Not wishing to cause a stir, I dutifully moved it beside the diesel tank as suggested; a far more inconvenient place I would have thought, still that’s where it ended up.y
Whilst I was moving the car the big boss came over to Christine and introduced himself muttering something about lunch. He was then interrupted and told this was the wrong person so made apologies and retreated leaving Christine bewildered. When I had sorted the car and returned Christine recounted this incident to me. The next thing we see is an official looking SUV bearing the Irish flag arriving and the chauffeur jumped out, he was in his spotless white uniform with boots you could see your face in and he opened the car doors. The person was greeted by the “big boss” and his wife and then headed to a table laid out for dinner. It turns out this was the Irish Ambassador and his wife; perhaps a day early!!!
Irish Ambassador
As we waited for the match to start the bar filled up and as the wine bottle slowly emptied I moved over to beer, well that’s what I wanted but worse, a bar that promotes rugby, no Guinness, what??? I did point out it was the Guinness 6-nations but it fell on deaf ears! I had to drink Heineken: larger, yuk!!!
All set and off we went, Wales started well in the early minutes but then France got a grip of them and took over. Today was all about the Welsh team keeping their defeat to a minimum; unfortunately Wales are not the team they were and France romped away; in the end Wales did well to keep France below 50-points; the final score was France 43 : 0 Wales. During the second half we ordered a few starters to nibble away at, probably “comfort” food!!
Come on Wales
By now it was dusk so the race was on to get back as far as we could before it was dark. Driving here in the dark is a nightmare, firstly the pot holes are difficult to spot, secondly the locals just wander about on the side of the road and “blend in”, so one needs to keep the other “beady-eye” out for them and to add to this grim story, my hire car doesn’t have the main beam on the headlights working!!! Still we got back safely and poured out a rather large rum!!!
We had a Pizza lined up for tonight but having “picked” too much earlier, that stayed in the freezer. We just had a few hands of crib, very close games I’m pleased to say before hitting the sac. Tomorrow is the main event, Ireland V England so it will be back at Cloggys.
Ffryes beach is our destination today, don’t think we’ve been there this time but first we have to do research on where to watch the 6-Nations matches, and with Cloggys Bar, our usual venue at Falmouth Harbour burnt down, where do we go??? We had heard an un-substantiated rumour they had re-opened in a local hotel which seems strange but we will check it out.
Today looks a little overcast though still hot, a little windy and the clouds are high-up so hopefully no rain. After the usual morning activities Christine got her “deerstalker” hat on and started the research and it looks like Cloggys is in fact somewhere in or around the “Catamaran Marina”, in Rhodes Lane, at the other end of Falmouth Harbour Bay, well, we will know tomorrow when we rock up to see France play Wales; even after a phone call it is still a little “vague”!!!
We know how to live!
Mission accomplished, thank you Christine, then we headed off to Ffryes Beach and of course, as we arrived we released we had “popped” here after the buggies with Lee and Sarah. There is a large “green” area between the cars and the beach with a few scattered picnic tables painted in a bright yellow, still we commandeered one and set out our lunch. We had some cheesy biscuits that somewhere along the line had got damp, so for our entertainment we broke them up and scattered the bits, at which point we had 2-Egrets, a couple of Pigeons and a “flock” oh small, black feathered birds; they soon swept everything up and we then threw the rest of the biscuits, and once devoured they were gone, not to be seen anywhere again!!!!
Hope they enjoyed the biscuits
Like most of the “popular” beaches there was a beach bar serving food and then a bus appeared and discharged a load of tourists, looking at them we concluded they had bought a “lunch package” on their cruise ship, and here they were, fortunately they stayed in the bar and we enjoyed our quiet swim away from them. The local tourist “pamphlet” suggested this is a good beach to snorkel off so Christine came down with her gear, I on the other hand took the cynical view; a waste of time. We left our stuff including her snorkel gear on the beach!!! Perhaps at the rocks on the southern end there could be something to see but with the wind in the direction it was, it would have been somewhat dangerous if blown onto these rocks.
Pretty beach
After a lengthy time in the sea and a beach walk we headed off, not for home but to continue along the road we were on, following the coast; one could say we were travelling along the Antiguan “Riviera”, much of this road is at sea level.
Ffyres beach
The one thing one sees when driving on any roads here, well apart from “potholes”, is “abandoned cars”, most with various parts such as wheels and engines missing, but more importantly some have been in place for so long, vegetation is growing through many of them.
So many abandoned cars
Our drive passed “Turners beach”, haven’t been there this time, OJ’s, a “beach restaurant” we were recommended to last time but from memory not too impressed, and then onto Carlisle bay. We wondered is we should splash out and come here on our day of departure, have a nice meal, shower etc., before we head to the airport as we think we have to vacate the cottage by 1000hrs that morning; we will see!!!
Baby cows just wondering around near a
The route now turned inland an we drove up through the rain forest, past the “zip wire experience”; did that with Lee and Sarah in 2020 and re-joined theFalmouth Harbour road.
Dinner at home again followed by cribbage where the tables have well and Truly turned, poor Christine is going through the problems I had at the start of the week.
We are back on track weather-wise, sunny and warm first thing so decided on another picnic and head to Hawksbill beach, not too far, 7-miles but again 30 minutes!!!
Beautiful looking sailing vessel
So normal morning routine, breakfast, a few chores, make the picnic and away. Down into St. John’s and out along the bay; only one cruise ship in but what a “big’n”, probably a 6,000 passenger one. We tried to visualise what it would do to St. John’s if they all decided to get off at once, that number represents about 6% of the Antiguan population!!!! Also in the bay again was the three masted cruise sailing ship, “Sea Cloud Spirit”, a German registered vessel offering “very” expensive cruises; well above our pay-grades!!!
Looks fabulous under sail
I couldn’t remember Hawksbill beach but as soon as we dropped down the hill onto it, memories came flooding back. We did moor off this beach whilst on the catamaran but due to the “nasty” weather, didn’t stay long. The reason for this name is the rock just outside the bay, it looks like a Hawksbill Turtle, a species that are critically endangered. I think it looks more like a rat whilst Christine thinks more “ mouse”: still the sandy beach is good. Like all good beaches here in Antigua, at the other end is the affordable all-inclusive “Hawksbill Resort” mainly chalets facing the sea, very nice.
Hawksbill Rock
The car park is on the edge of the beach so we left everything in the boot and headed straight into the sea where Christine tried to do some snorkelling, she saw several fishes but nothing exciting but best so far!! There are no vendors or beach loungers for hire here, bring your own; unfortunately we don’t have any and the cottage we are staying at has very limited resources, and that’s putting it mildly!!!
Lovely spot to have lunch
Lunch time so back to the car and got the cool box (the one thing the cottage has!!) and sat at a picnic table overlooking the sea. It was really nice, the sky was clear, the sun was hot and we had the beach “nearly” to ourselves, this is Antigua at its best.
Hawkesbill. Ay
After lunch, oh dear back in the sea. 😂😂. We were in for ages before heading on our customary walk along the beach, passing all the chalets, perhaps we should investigate one of these next time; a change from Friers Hill Cottage?
Goats grazing behind us, they didn’t care!
Eventually we “tore” ourselves away from the beach and headed back, but en-route and for “old time’s sake”, took a little detour to see Galley Bay Resort, the infamous place we caused a slight disruption years ago.😂😂
Are you sure you want to go out with Geoff!
Back in 2006 I was heading to meet Christine on “Whitbread” (Andrew’s boat at that time) that was moored in Galley Bay but unfortunately the beach can only be accessed from the sea or, through the hotel; I didn’t know this at the time. My “instructions” were clear, to meet up with “Jersey” Jane at the airport, who I hadn’t met before, then get the taxi to swing-by a supermarket and get provisions for 7/8 people for a few days sailing. Mission accomplished and we arrived at the hotel, not knowing the only way to the beach was through the foyer passing reception, down a long corridor, passing numerous public rooms and eventually to the beach. After a discussion with the taxi driver who wanted more money that had been agreed at the airport, I loaded up one of the “American Style” trolleys, but instead of suits hinging up, there were a great number of supermarket bags full of food and off I went, poor Jane not knowing what was happening as we were accosted by several members of staff trying to stop us. At this time Christine and the “gang” were heading up from the beach causing a pincer movement which sent the hotel staff into a “spin, even the manager was in the “fray”, but my head was down and I still kept going in-spite of everything. The two teams met up in the long corridor from the beach just as Christine was accosted by the manager but the “bullshit” Christine gave him didn’t “cut-the-ice” but it gave me those extra seconds to breakout onto the beach and now there was nothing they could do!!! After a few pleasantries everybody retreated to the beach leaving the hotel staff and manager dazed!!! Later that day, Jane apparently asked Christine what was she doing with me???
Nearly 20 years ago!
After a good chuckle reminiscing, we carried on along this narrow road that suddenly became a big, very steep hill; it felt as if we were on the climb of a rather big dipper with Christine telling me to “stop” but as I pointed out there was nowhere to turn!!! We carried on and eventually broke out into a car park at the top of a big hill known as “table hill five islands” and what a view of the surrounding beaches and bays including St. John’s and Deep bay, well worth the anxiety, though Christine didn’t agree with me. The way down was the same route but this time as we went over the crest of the hill, it was like the first drop on a very bog dipper; poor Christine, I did put her through it!!!
Fabulous views from top
Back at home for the usual showers and dinner, again followed by cribbage and I am pleased to report my extremely unfortunate run of poor cards has changed and we enjoyed five very close games. We never knew one could get so tired doing nothing so another early night
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We awoke to a nice sunny morning so decided to make the most of the day and take a picnic to the beach, we may even invest in a couple of beach loungers with a big “brolly”, but first breakfast.
After some discussion we decided to head to “Jolly Beach”, not a beach either of us can remember going to before, but who knows!!! This beach is just to the southern entrance to Jolly Harbour so en route stopped by our favourite tourist lady to report back on our day’s sailing.
As we entered her office and before we could say “hello”; quick as a flash she asked, “how was it???” At this point we sat down and gave her our feed-back; I think she is going to have another word with Captain Simon!!! After some jolly “banter”, we left and headed to the h
Jolly beach
Due to all the buildings being demolished in preparation for the new, 21st century Jolly Harbour project, the car park is now a few 100-meters from the beach, however they have built a temporary broadleaf walk to get there, which was good.
Jolly Beach
This broad walk opens up onto a rather large white sandy, fairly busy beach, though not in the same league as Long Bay beach last Saturday. There is the “Jolly Beach Resort” behind most of this beach with its permanent, pretty sun-shades and sun beds a fair way back from the waters edge which allows and probably annoys the resort’s guests, as anyone can move their portable sun beds in front, here in Antigua the beaches are open to everyone!!! Talking of sun beds, today we invested in a couple with a sunshade close to the water. Whilst Christine was settling in, I headed back to the car to get our ice box with our picnic and “beers” in, we are not rushing back today.
Enjoying our sun beds
Today the weather is fairly settled, mild wind, a sprinkling of cloud, no rain, in fact the perfect afternoon to be on the beach; a good $15 well spent, though they did ask for $20 at first!!!
We enjoyed our lunch, spent a long time in the sea and walked the length of the beach before heading back to the car around 1700hrs; the picnic box was much lighter now as well!!!
Sun going down
The drive back was busy as it was their rush hour, so our 30-minute journey took over an hour, the charm of this island.
To finish off this excellent day we should have gone out to dinner but this morning Christine got a pork fillet out of the freezer so going “out”, went “out” of the window!!!
After another Culinary masterpiece out of this antiquated kitchen, which we enjoyed on our verandah in the cooler evening air, we cleared up. Now we got the cribbage out as tonight I have something to prove, after the two previous disastrous evenings I need to “up” my game, I did lose but by fine margins, so I was reasonably happy as we had five tight games; my turn tomorrow🤞🤞🤞
It seemed strange and rather quiet waking up to a cottage without visitors. We’ve been here just under three weeks an we’ve enjoyed the company of visitors for two weeks, now we’re on our own, what to do???
The weather has again changed, yesterday was generally glorious but today it is disappointing with rain showers etc., so this morning Christine sorted out the spare room ready for ???????? I caught up with writing the logs and then it was lunch time.
The rain still kept coming so we decided to stay put and do nothing other than discuss future plans (watch this space) whilst watching the rain and dismal cloud formations until it was dinner time. Today being Sunday Christine produced a magnificent roast dinner with superb “roasties” but with limited alcohol; livers, weight and all that!!!
We concluded with an evening of cribbage where Christine reigned supreme.
Monday 27th January 2025
Another lazy morning as the weather is in two minds; “to rain or not to rain” so pottered about until it made up its mind.
By midday things were looking up, it hadn’t rained for a bit and the “blue” was peeping through, so decided to head to Deep Bay Beach after lunch. Deep bay is where Christine and Martin headed out on the dingy in the heavy rain to dive off the wreck last week; hopefully we won’t have that sort of rain today!!
Cruise ships in harbour
Deep bay is the other side of St. John’s; 6-miles away but it will take bout 30-minutes, mainly due traffic in the town.
Containers indocks
We finished lunch, gathered our things and headed off and by this time it was 90% blue sky, result. Our route ran along the harbour and today only one cruise ship, “Tui” and what looked like a monster 3-masted sailing boat; most probably a cruising boat as well but not the usual 4 or 5 ships on the jetty. Last week we were is discussing the logistics of imports, food in particular as there is no real deep water harbour here, even oil tankers stop out at sea and moor onto a fixed pumping station off Runaway bay, and pipe the stuff in. But today we saw a different story to John’s harbour, across the entrance bay there is a container jetty, just like all the rest around the world but very much smaller!!
Fort Barrington
10 minutes later we arrived in Deep Bay car park, a 5-minute walk across a bridge and follow the path through the undergrowth, then wow. A crescent shaped beach, golden sand, clear blue sea and virtually no one this end of the beach, just as I remember. At the other end is “The Royalton” beach resort, fortunately they don’t “stray” to our end!!! What is our end is a Seafood “shack” Restaurant called “Just Grilling” so we went to take a look and bought a couple of beers. Lobster is their main dish but do offer chicken for those that don’t want a lobster. I asked about freshness and he pointed into the sea where he has a big lobster trap; straight out and onto the “bar-be”; got to go there next week.
Lovely Deep Bay
Over looking this beach and more importantly, St. John’s harbour entrance is what’s left of “Fort Barrington”, built in 1779 on top of “Goat Hill”, “and you need to be a goat to climb up to it”, we only got 2/3rds up last time we were here and didn’t feel the need to finish the job off this time!!!!!
Busy end, with lots of noise
Back on the beach we got talking to a couple of Canadians who picked our brains on various things before enjoying the cool waters of deep bay; no rain, no wind, just wall-to-wall sunshine, at last. Eventually our time was up so after our customarily walk along the beach to dry off we headed back to the car, though we did bump into the Canadians again and recommended they go to Shirley Heights on Sunday.
Deep bay
Dinner again on our verandah but no wind though the mozzies were biting. We followed this with another disastrous game of crib (for me!!) before heading to bed after a beautiful beach afternoon. We hope tomorrow is as good as we head to Jolly Beach.