Monday 14th August.
We were woken at 0600hrs by the dogs needing to go out but returned rather briskly after doing their business as it was raining. At this point we received the report on the made up bed!!! The verdict; “sort of reasonable” but not for too many nights and sharing with Mia, a wriggle-bottom, didn’t help so morning was a relief!!!

With a grey sky and intermittent rain, the beach wasn’t really an option so after sorting out the bed, clearing up and breakfast etc., headed into St. David’s, the U.K’s smallest city.
Around mid morning we, along with what seemed every holiday maker in Wales descended on St. David’s, the tiny “City” was heaving and parking was a nightmare. We drove around but to no avail and settled in the big car park outside St. David’s by thevisitor centre, all other car parks were full. We came in Jane’s car; 3-adults, an 8-year old and 3-dogs with all the paraphernalia one needs on holiday “just in case” including my scooter, we needed the space!!! After finding a space, unloaded and assembled the scooter, I realised I had forgotten to also transfer the all important “key”, so that was that, I had no choice, I had to walk!!!!

When we started out this morning our plan was to arrive at coffee time but what with traffic, parking, people etc., etc., by the time we walked down the hill and into the main part of St. David’s it was lunch time!!! The advance party, ie Jane and Mia went ahead to reconnoiter, their aim was somewhere that sold cakes etc., we on the other hand just went with the flow and a few minutes later we get a message saying they’ve found somewhere that sells cakes, so off we head. Standing at the bottom of some steps waiting, and when we arrived we all trooped in only to find it was a pub that actually sold a few cakes!!! After finding a suitable table that could accommodate 3-dogs underneath we decided to have lunch and maybe a cake to follow. This pub was called, unsurprisingly “The Bishops” but strangely not after the cathedral or bishops palace but after the outcrop of rocks known as the “Bishops” a couple of miles off Ramsey Island.

After lunch the three of them headed further down the hill to look into the cathedral, I on the other hand couldn’t face the walk back up the hill, my knee was giving me real ‘jip’ today, so I waited on someone’s gate watching the comings and goings of all the visitors, like us, unable to get to the beach. Once they returned we headed back up the hill towards the car park arriving as our “paid time” expired, perfect timing. By now the weather had improved, the rain had stopped, the sun was doing its best to come out so the decision was to head to Nolton Haven to give the dogs a good run round.

Again Nolton Haven was virtually empty except for like minded people exercising their dogs. Mia on the other hand decided to have a paddle but by the time we left it had turned into a full blown “dunk” in the sea.

Back at base and the pooches were knackered, didn’t hear anything from them ‘till their last walk later after dinner and some more Marjon. Tonight the bed went down easier but we couldn’t remember the cushion layout!!!
Tomorrow the weather forecast looks better so hoping for a day on “Marloes Sands”, one of the main reasons for coming to Pembrokeshire.