Today is “Showtime”, we have been looking forward to visiting a proper Tango Show since we arrived, the ones we saw whilst in “the Boca” area, weren’t really up to the mark. But that is for this evening, this morning we decided to walk to the sister hotel for a swim but probably more importantly, to weigh in, ahhhhhhhh. They have very precise scales in the changing rooms. The walk takes around ½ hour, but in this heat it takes longer, therefore along the way we pulled into a small coffee shop for a pit stop. Suitably refreshed we continued on and to find out if we had achieved any weight loss with all our careful eating.
We enjoyed the pool to ourselves, again, and then the moment of truth. Back in the changing rooms we “did the biz”, and to our great surprise and were pleased to note, we had both lost over 2 Kg; yeah!!!!!!!!
Heading back we stopped in a very large Carrefour for a lunch snack and a couple of salads for the following day. What astounded me was how large the store was yet there were only a small number of tills; obviously shoppers here in Buenos Aries are very patient.
We went back to the hotel for a rest before we venture out for
our Tango evening. The bus is scheduled to collect us at 2000hrs with the meal around 2100hrs and the show about 2300hrs; a long night.Washed and brushed, and the first time in long trousers, jacket and dress since leaving the ship, we felt strange and immediately we boarded the coach, knew we were over dressed.
To add injury to insult, the air-con wasn’t working in the coach.After a few other pick-ups we arrived at “Madero Tango” situated down in the re-generated old port area along with many high-end restaurants and the modern skyline of Buenos Aries. Being one of the first to arrive we basically had the pick of the places to sit. But before this we had to register and pay, fortunately with a credit card. We were given a slip of paper with a bar code on it and this was scanned as we actually entered the theatre. We thought nothing more about this tiny slip of paper but pocketed it anyway.
We sat in front of the stage and had the pick of the table
placing’s. We were joined at the table by a Brazilian couple on one side, and an Italian guy with his Brazilian wife on the other. The rest of the table was left empty so we had a clear and un-interrupted view of the stage.When we booked, Christine up-graded us to a VIP ticket, that’s why we had a good table; the “others” were sitting on the side of the stage with limited views. For our money we had a 3-course meal and what seemed an endless supply of wine and sparkling water. Champagne was also available and on the table for those who preferred it.
The steak Christine had was enormous and cooked to perfection;
I on the other hand had a chicken dish, again excellent. The wine that was flowing was also very good, a much higher standard than one would expect from this sort of dinner show.Showtime started about 2245hrs and what a show; singers and dancers depicting the history of Argentina and the effects of
immigration at the turn of the 18th/19th century; and of course the start of the Argentinian Tango when it was seen as a seedy type of dance only fit for the “La Boca” area, to when it became fashionable in the 1940’s. This was a fast moving, continua’s show, with no breaks and though everything was all in Spanish and not knowing the intricacies of Argentinian history, this did not deter from the wonderful spectacle we were totally immersed in. After seeing the moves; the way the girls were thrown about, the unbelievably acrobatic energy and the stances they achieved, well, “Strictly Come Dancing’s” Argentinian Tango is like amateur night down at the “Palais”. Though the show ended around 0015hrs, the hour and a half only seemed like half an hour.What an evening, we were buzzing as we started to head for the
door where we were stopped and asked for the small slip of paper with the bar code on. I produced it, they scanned
Cannot do justice in these pictures, but I shall always remember the evening we watched a proper tango!
To add to our good night out, we were the first hotel for a drop off, what better way to complete a fantastic evening at a Argentinian Tango Show; another tick in the box.