Tuesday 4th February 2025
Heading towards our last few days, and knowing we have quite a busy schedule once back in the U.K., we are making the most of doing nothing; today was no exception!!!

We eventually “dragged” ourselves out of the house around 1100hrs but decided to go to the bank and get some cash out, One of the biggest changes we have come across is the currency. Over the many years we have been coming here, “Eastern Caribbean Dollars” is the currency except for a 1/2 mile radius of the cruise ship terminal, (I wonder why!!) but now every bar, restaurant, beach shack, taxi, Shirley heights and tour operator talks in $US, so today the trip to the bank is to get more $US. The sad thing is that this adds cost, as everything is calculated back to ECD’s!!! After a extraordinarily long time in the bank, I think the amount of form filling and paperwork was even greater than Spain, we headed to Morris Bay.

This long but fairly steep sandy bay has more cows wandering around than people; a very quiet beach that neither of us recall visiting before. Due to the visit to the bank it was a late “lunch-time”, so grabbed another bright yellow picnic table and enjoyed our “chicken roll”

overlooking the sea. Once eaten, we just sat there in the sun enjoying the view and doing nothing. We did watch a couple enter the sea and noticed a very steep bank just off the shore line where the people just dropped about a metre, then after their swim they struggled to get out!! This did nothing to entice us in so wandered along the beach both ways, then back to the yellow picnic table for a last “contemplation” of everything, then home via the supermarket.

After dinner we played 3-very “close” games of crib followed by another two episodes of Silent Witness; we really enjoyed our day.