Sunday 24th September, 2023
What a night, as expected the dogs disturbed us several times during the wee hours; not much sleeping took place in Rosie!!! So another early start with breakfast on the “hoof”; today we are heading to Martin’s house in Alcalali but first we had to extricate Rosie from this postage stamp pitch with a very narrow service road. Going in last night was reasonably easy but we always knew getting out was going to be a bit of a “caper” with everything being so tight and having to go back the way we came, “and” to make things worse there was a nasty drop and a rather large tree came into play. Anyway with much “to-ing and fro-ing” and the help of a couple of other motorhome owners, probably for self-preservation reasons, we eventually got out, and not a moment too soon; awful place👹

We couldn’t get to Martin’s too early as he was collecting his son Russell and his girl friend with another couple of his friends from the airport, so we took our time. We stopped for a coffee break and a lunch break, all very civilised.

Russell is Christine’s great nephew and is 21 on Monday, so instead of having a party he elected to be at the house in Spain for a couple of weeks, hence our visit.

We duly arrived, and before we got to the top of the steps,Tom-Tom and Rosie were in the pool, no pleasantries, just leaped straight in!!! We spent the afternoon around the pool, swimming and drinking followed with a bar-b-q, a very pleasant and sociable time was had by all.
This evening’s match is Wales V Australia and it’s on at 2100hrs, an important game as the winner would determine which other country progresses to the quarter finals with Wales. So after much sun, wine, G & T’s and further wine we sat down to watch the game and I promptly fell asleep; I just couldn’t keep my peepers open, I was knackered together with much booze, at half-time we called it full-time, and headed down to Rosie for the night.