Thursday 30th January 2025.
Ffryes beach is our destination today, don’t think we’ve been there this time but first we have to do research on where to watch the 6-Nations matches, and with Cloggys Bar, our usual venue at Falmouth Harbour burnt down, where do we go??? We had heard an un-substantiated rumour they had re-opened in a local hotel which seems strange but we will check it out.
Today looks a little overcast though still hot, a little windy and the clouds are high-up so hopefully no rain. After the usual morning activities Christine got her “deerstalker” hat on and started the research and it looks like Cloggys is in fact somewhere in or around the “Catamaran Marina”, in Rhodes Lane, at the other end of Falmouth Harbour Bay, well, we will know tomorrow when we rock up to see France play Wales; even after a phone call it is still a little “vague”!!!

Mission accomplished, thank you Christine, then we headed off to Ffryes Beach and of course, as we arrived we released we had “popped” here after the buggies with Lee and Sarah. There is a large “green” area between the cars and the beach with a few scattered picnic tables painted in a bright yellow, still we commandeered one and set out our lunch. We had some cheesy biscuits that somewhere along the line had got damp, so for our entertainment we broke them up and scattered the bits, at which point we had 2-Egrets, a couple of Pigeons and a “flock” oh small, black feathered birds; they soon swept everything up and we then threw the rest of the biscuits, and once devoured they were gone, not to be seen anywhere again!!!!

Like most of the “popular” beaches there was a beach bar serving food and then a bus appeared and discharged a load of tourists, looking at them we concluded they had bought a “lunch package” on their cruise ship, and here they were, fortunately they stayed in the bar and we enjoyed our quiet swim away from them. The local tourist “pamphlet” suggested this is a good beach to snorkel off so Christine came down with her gear, I on the other hand took the cynical view; a waste of time. We left our stuff including her snorkel gear on the beach!!! Perhaps at the rocks on the southern end there could be something to see but with the wind in the direction it was, it would have been somewhat dangerous if blown onto these rocks.

After a lengthy time in the sea and a beach walk we headed off, not for home but to continue along the road we were on, following the coast; one could say we were travelling along the Antiguan “Riviera”, much of this road is at sea level.

The one thing one sees when driving on any roads here, well apart from “potholes”, is “abandoned cars”, most with various parts such as wheels and engines missing, but more importantly some have been in place for so long, vegetation is growing through many of them.

Our drive passed “Turners beach”, haven’t been there this time, OJ’s, a “beach restaurant” we were recommended to last time but from memory not too impressed, and then onto Carlisle bay. We wondered is we should splash out and come here on our day of departure, have a nice meal, shower etc., before we head to the airport as we think we have to vacate the cottage by 1000hrs that morning; we will see!!!

The route now turned inland an we drove up through the rain forest, past the “zip wire experience”; did that with Lee and Sarah in 2020 and re-joined theFalmouth Harbour road.
Dinner at home again followed by cribbage where the tables have well and Truly turned, poor Christine is going through the problems I had at the start of the week.