End of August to 26th September
A lot has happened since the last published log.
Firstly after the debacle of the Germans sale falling apart, the house was immediately put back on the market and not long after we had an acceptable offer but knowing how precarious offers turning to sales can be, we kept it under the radar. The potential buyers came whilst we were in U.K. as did the offer, so our paths never crossed; perhaps that was a good thing!!!!!
We took a positive step be taking Rosie back to U.K. full of unwanted winter clothes and other stuff, just in case we sold. We had engaged the services of “Pinar Properties” , they not only sold this house to the Germans, they also sold our old house in Calle Acebo so we knew Kristian very well and he was very positive of a quick sale.
We had already started the box-packing due to our “first” sale but naturally as time went on we had broken into some of them, but on our return from U.K. it was all go, “again”!! We left Rosie at Hope Farm and flew back with a long list of “things to do”. But nothing really got under way until we had the buyers 10% deposit in our bank account. If they pulled out now, tough! So it was all go. We had to organise the removal company who could also store our goods until we found somewhere, sort out bank finance’s, mortgage etc., cancel contracts with electricity, security, phones etc., sell the car 🥵🥵 cancel our residency, in fact the list just goes on. The hardest part was sorting the TOR1 procedure, this is most important to avoid paying VAT on everything you are taking to U.K. Being out of the EU now, everything is treated as imported and subject to VAT irrespective of its country of origin. Anyway at the eleventh hour, in fact the night before we loaded our chattels onto the lorry we got confirmation we had been successful in our application, so no VAT.
Whilst all this was happening our purchase fell through so back to the drawing board!!!
During this period we suddenly realised we would need “wheels”; our idea of flying back was never going to be a runner as we had things to do, and extras we needed after the furniture vehicle had gone, so a quick dash back to Blighty to collect her was called for. It was relatively easy to get one flight ticket to Bristol, but the ferries back were another story. Being early September there were many “snow-birds” heading south for the winter, in fact I was stuck in England for 5-days before there was a place on the ferry to Spain; naturally at premium prices to add salt into the womb. Still mission accomplished and Rosie was returned.
When one is vacating and moving away there is always a rush to meet as many as possible to say good bye. On Thursday, Helena and Roger invited us to dinner along with Monica and David which was very kind of them and they had also come up trumps if our “hour of need” had arisen with a bed, fortunately with the return of Rosie, this wasn’t needed. Thank you for your kind offer Helena.
On Friday as pre-arranged, two porters turned up to start moving boxes etc., and at the appointed hour the removal vehicle turned up. We had also arranged for Femi to be there as an extra “pair” of hands. At the outset we estimated 10 cu m, this soon became 20 cu m then 25 cu m but in the end we just booked 30 cu m and kept our fingers crossed. Not only was estimating the volume an issue, customs paperwork was equally intense. We had to item everything plus add the value and approximate weights; real hair pulling stuff!!!!!
Anyway by the end of play on Friday 23rd September the vehicle was loaded and we just squeezed into 30 cubic metres. “phew”. The removal crew were extremely impressed with Femi’s contribution, they couldn’t stop raving about him and each thanked him personally; how nice was that? We were also impressed with the removal crew and they were a credit to their company, Ambrose Logistics International; so far, highly recommended.
It was very strange, the bar empty of all our memorabilia, no beds to sleep in, and by Saturday night, after Christine had worked her socks off, half the house, cleaned and shut down. What a good decision to return Rosie to Spain as we had no choice but to sleep in her. The car went Saturday, in the 61-yrs I’ve been driving, I have never not had a car🥵, so first job on our return, source a car.
Saturday evening was spent with Helena and Roger at Casa Arez, an excellent evening and what better way to have our “last supper” here in Spain with good friends and good food.
Sunday was also another gathering to “see the back of us”!!!!, Monica and David had a Sunday Brunch Party, very enjoyable and excellent scrambled eggs David 😁😁😁, thank you both.
Final sorting on Monday, clearing up the last bits and bobs when we realised we had to print some notes off for the new owners, printer packed!!! Martin and Jackie next door came to the rescue but instead of popping in for a couple of minutes for the printing, we got stuck into the wine!!! Several hours later we waddled home; last minute things will have to wait ‘till tomorrow😖😖😖😖
Tuesday 27th September
Our original plan was to be out for haircuts with Paula at 0900hrs and have a “full English” to set us up for the day, then hit the road; well, the “best laid plans” and all that. As we had been out partying , unexpectedly I add, we had to have a rethink but instead, Christine emerged from her “pit”, slightly “hung-over” I may add at 0600hrs to complete the final bits and bobs and last of all, wash the kitchen floor. When I emerged a couple of hours later, the work had been completed!!!! I have to admit I was gob-smacked she hadn’t woken me to help, thank you very much Christine; still it was self inflicted!!!! Still all packed, engine started, doors locked with keys inside waiting for buyers when it dawned on us, we were locked in with the electric gate closed, how do we get out???? This drinking game has to stop!!! So round to Martin and Jackie to get their keys to unlock etc etc, but we still made our appointment for our hair cuts!!!
One mission we had to do after haircuts was to cancel the internet, mobile phone and land line contracts which we did with zero hassle other than they wanted the router back, so a return journey to home was necessary. Go and see Jackie again to get keys. After handing the router, in its original box I hasten to add👍 we went to “Portobello” for our breakfast. As we were leaving we got two calls; 1 from Avatel wanting proof of who we were!, so back to there office to show passport and the second call was from Martin telling us we had left a hold-all outside the back door, so back home again!! Jackie thinks we don’t want to go!
At last we’re off and out of the village. First stop to fill up with fuel followed by a quick visit to Mercadona, then onto Autocaravanas in Murcia to sort a minor gas issue we have.
Fuelling up no problem, Mercadona whisked in and out in no time and arrived in Murcia a little after midday. Our issue was sorted immediately and this time we are off for real!!!!!
We only did a short stint today as there has been a tight lead up to this point so didn’t want to aggravate ourselves with long driving stints, so settled for Albacete as our destination, arriving a little after 1400hrs, in their municipal car park for overnight motorhomes.

Once parked we headed to the centre of town, just over a mile away.

Albacete is the 7th largest town in Spain, rather a modern town with a major university, a big aviation industry and an air base where they train NATO pilots from many of the NATO countries including the U.K. and the USA. Though we didn’t see many planes going around, we could certainly hear them!!!!

The highlight of our stroll into the centre was the “Pasadena de Lodares” a historic and monumental commercial and residential gallery in the historic centre, well historic is interesting as it was designed by a Valencia’s Architect in 1925!!!!!

Having arrived we decided there wasn’t much to see and of interest us so after some liquid refreshment headed back to Rosie but this time we walked through the “Parque Abelard Sanchez”; small but very pleasant to be in. This park also houses the Albacete Museum.
Back at base we enjoyed a super meal and settled down to do nothing. The only issue with staying on municipal sites is you are crammed in and unless you pull the blind’s across, you are sitting in a goldfish bowl; still they are free!