Tuesday 20th & Wednesday 21st February 2024
Tuesday is a “chill-out” day, glorious wall to wall sunshine, what else can we want?? This weather is also slowing the dogs down; their running, by their own actions are telling us when it is time to STOP!!!!! They have also avoided taking a dip in the pool though at times they do treat the pool as a drinking hole! My shorts came out today and Christine sun bathed in her swimming costume

Watched another film in the evening before heading to bed
Tuesday, again we woke up to glorious sunshine morning, though a little chilly until the sun gets higher in the sky. Today we are heading out Moraira, about 30-minutes away, a beach town and somewhere different.

En route we found the cheapest fuel station so far, diesel was €1.38 per litre so squeezed in as much as we could. This looked like a brand new petrol station so we think we got their introductory offer, still no problem, we will take that!!!

Arrived and found a parking spot, plenty about but there seemed a scarcity of ticket machines. Whilst I sorted the dogs and car Christine went to buy a parking ticket. Oh dear, what a problem and it took ages not helped by the sunlight straight on it, so following the instructions was a nightmare, still as one would expect, Christine conquered it!!! We decided I should take “Solo” so we could give the dogs a fairly long walk; but first coffee.

We found a very busy cafe on the beach promenade but it was full, mainly cyclists; we’ve seen a lot of them today, why aren’t they at work??? No room so we went next door, what a mistake, that’s probably why they were empty, no “English Breakfast Tea”, only “funny ones” to her!!!, so Christine went without, but she did put a brave face on it🥶🥶, and enjoyed some freshly squeezed oranges; not the same I know 😝😝.

Though the sun was shining there was a chilled breeze coming off the sea, still we had a good walk and found the council’s dog enclosure in the park so they had “extra” this morning.
With our two hours up we headed back the car and as we were breaking down “Solo” a Good Samaritan came by and offered to help lift it into the car, what a nice friendly man, “not too many of them to the pound these days”. We were now on our way home, we have to pack as we’re on the move again first thing in the morning.
After we finished with the sun, we packed away the outside furniture; “leave everything as you find it!!”, packed our bags ready for the off tomorrow, the plan is to be away by 0730hrs🤞🤞🤞