Friday 8th March 2024
Skipping breakfast we had a trip to the park before heading off, our first stop was La Jonquera, the Spanish border town where one has their last chance for cheaper fuel, fags, booze and other essentials. In fact after breakfast I nipped into one of the supermarkets and it was full of French, they drive over the border to get their groceries and save money!!!

Our journey today is on French motorways, and that means tolls, ugh, still we want to get there ASAP so I had to “pay up” and “swallow hard”; all a bit of a shock to the system🥶
We arrived at the house in reasonable time. Because Andrew generally only uses the house in the summer, everything has been turned off so our first task was to “try” and “suss” things out; easier said than done knowing the history of the building, a small converted block of flats with random electrics to match. Eventually we had the essentials working so un-packed and settled in. We had sufficient food so no need to rush to the supermarket tonight.

As there are wide spaces all around the house, and with careful aim, we could send the ball, using the ball thrower of course, at the inside of the outside perimeter wall. This wall is set at an angle so when the ball hit the wall, it would head round the corner giving the dogs a good run each time.
Another bedroom in another place, the poor dogs must be wondering what’s going on, still yet again after some rigorous exercise they settled down and we all went to sleep.