We arrived in Portsmouth on time, only to find we could not disembark as the ramp had jammed, we then waited and waited after two hours we eventually reached the customs office to be told some cars were pulled over because they detected radiation, also they had six immigrants running around the port, the customs man apologised, and we got on our way.
We spent two or three days in Portsmouth, catching up with family and friends, then headed to Essex, spent the night with Jane Dave and Mia, and headed north to Derbyshire.
We have snow, the roads are lethal, so we called for help, we have left our car with friends, and Marian picked us up, and took us to Flagg very pretty, but very very cold. In the evening we went to a gin tasting evening, Geoff really enjoyed himself, personally I don’t like. Nice evening with a buffet supper.
Going to Manchester tomorrow, if the snow doesn’t stop us.