Friday 8th September 2023
Today I have to make a visit to our local village hospital for a consultation for my knee before we can go anywhere. Good news, I’m on the NHS waiting list but bad news it will probably be spring next year, still onward and upward.
With all the various “things” we had to do before heading off, the rest of the morning was hectic, packing Rosie, filling water-tank, seeding parts of the lawn etc., etc., but eventually we were only one hour later than our target time for departure, pretty good!!
The run down to Plymouth was un-eventful. We topped up with gas in Exeter, stopped near Buckfastleigh to exercise the dogs then arrived outside the ferry terminal 45-minutes before they open, never mind we have our new Maxiview WiFi system so looking forward to the opening match of the RWC; France V New Zealand.
At the appointed hour the dock booths opened and we checked in, 2-adults and 2-dogs; gosh how the bureaucracy has changed since Brexit, still we were prepared so no problems. The good news was we managed to watch the complete match. The only delay during boarding were the security searches, they were going through every vehicle thoroughly, looking for Daniel Khalife, the escapee from Wandsworth Prison. Apparently, apart from the rigorous search on the docks, the ferries were loaded with police and army personnel looking for him as well!!!!!
We couldn’t get a dog cabin so had to leave Tom-Tom and Rosie in the motorhome, so goodness knows what might happen!!!! We headed to our cabin, hoping for a good night’s sleep.
Back in France
Saturday 9th September 2023
After a smooth crossing and docking on time we headed down to the garage wondering what we may find🤞🤞🤞
To our amazement nothing had be trashed 👍 so we were happy.

Having pets on board means we were off the ferry fairly early and joined the queue for French Border control. No chance of slipping into France on a small boat!!! Passports stamped for us ok, but the “half-a-tree’s” paperwork for the pooches, well that took longer, still we got there eventually.

We headed towards “Melrand” where our friends “Sandy and Wendy” live, we are paying them a long overdue visit for a couple of days but first we must clear Roscoff and also find a supermarket etc.

After an uneventful run down we arrived early afternoon and enjoyed a few beers etc. bringing the dogs was a great success, sandy had prepared by finding a brand new tennis ball to entertain the dogs and they loved it.

Apart from catching up, eating and drinking, we had the important England V Argentina RWC match to watch in the evening so cleared the dinner things away and settled back to watch this nail-biting game. After recent performances there was a lot riding on England to get a result, but what happens in the first 10-minutes? England gets a red card and for the majority of the game we are a man down👹👹. Still the team worked hard and squeezed a win; not too convincing as we never scored a try but our defence was good!!!

After a couple of night caps we headed to bed